With the Shanghai-HK Connect, and this Mutual Fund Connect, onshore and offshore individuals and institutions now have more channels and greater quotas to make cross-border financial market investments, said analysts at the Japanese bank. 野村证券的分析师表示,有了沪港通(Shanghai-HKConnect)和中港基金互认,境内外的个人和机构如今在进行跨境金融市场投资时,有了更多的渠道和更大的配额。
Under LPB all mutual fund investments would be fully and instantly disclosed on the web by the system's single regulator the Federal Financial Authority ( FFA). 在有限目的银行模式下,所有共同基金投资,都会由该体系的唯一监管机构联邦金融管理局(FederalFinancialAuthority,FFA)立即在网上进行全面披露。
Mutual fund supervisors can use socially responsible methods to choose which investments they will buy. 共有基金的管理人可以通过使用社会责任方式来选择他们将要购买什么证券。